I don't know what it is but it seems like I have never known so many other people who share my Zodiac sign. In the last few days I have sent birthday wishes to several friends from college, old jobs, book club, MOMs groups, and even some past students. Maybe we are all products of parents with summertime wedding anniversaries.
What I find so interesting is that the traits of a Pisces include being imaginative and sensitive, compassionate and kind, selfless and unworldly, and intuitive and sympathetic.
On the dark side a Pisces can also be escapist and idealistic, secretive and vague, weak-willed and easily led.
On the dark side a Pisces can also be escapist and idealistic, secretive and vague, weak-willed and easily led.
The people I know who are Pisces definitely encompass all of the positive traits but I don't see the darker traits to be all that apparent in them. Except maybe Zach :) But I can get away with saying that because I've known him the longest and he deserves to be given a hard time.
According to the website http://www.astrology-online.com/pisces.htm,
Pisceans possess a gentle, patient, malleable nature. They have many generous qualities and are friendly, good natured, kind and compassionate, sensitive to the feelings of those around them, and respond with the utmost sympathy and tact to any suffering they encounter. They are deservedly popular with all kinds of people, partly because their easygoing, affectionate, submissive natures offer no threat or challenge to stronger and more exuberant characters. They accept the people around them and the circumstances in which they find themselves rather than trying to adapt them to suit themselves, and they patiently wait for problems to sort themselves out rather than take the initiative in solving them. They are more readily concerned with the problems of others than with their own.
Their natures tend to be too otherworldly for the practical purposes of living in this world as it is. They sometimes exist emotionally rather than rationally, instinctively more than intellectually. They long to be recognized as greatly creative. They also dislike discipline and confinement. The nine-to-five life is not for them. Any rebellion they make against convention is personal, however, as they often times do not have the energy or motivation to battle against the Establishment.
Pisceans tend to withdraw into a dream world where their qualities can bring mental satisfaction and sometimes, fame and financial reward for they are extremely gifted artistically. They are also versatile and intuitive, have quick understanding, observe and listen well, and are receptive to new ideas and atmospheres. All these factors can combine to produce remarkable creativity in literature, music and art. Even when they cannot express themselves creatively they have a greater than average instinct for, and love of, beauty in art and nature, a catlike appreciation of luxury and pleasure, and a yearning for new sensations and travel to remote, exotic places.
Their natures tend to be too otherworldly for the practical purposes of living in this world as it is. They sometimes exist emotionally rather than rationally, instinctively more than intellectually. They long to be recognized as greatly creative. They also dislike discipline and confinement. The nine-to-five life is not for them. Any rebellion they make against convention is personal, however, as they often times do not have the energy or motivation to battle against the Establishment.
Pisceans tend to withdraw into a dream world where their qualities can bring mental satisfaction and sometimes, fame and financial reward for they are extremely gifted artistically. They are also versatile and intuitive, have quick understanding, observe and listen well, and are receptive to new ideas and atmospheres. All these factors can combine to produce remarkable creativity in literature, music and art. Even when they cannot express themselves creatively they have a greater than average instinct for, and love of, beauty in art and nature, a catlike appreciation of luxury and pleasure, and a yearning for new sensations and travel to remote, exotic places.
So, what is the perfect birthday gift for a Pisces considering their sensitive nature? The website http://www2.canada.com/findit/astrology/fun/giftguide/pisces.html suggests...
The best gift for someone born under this sign is something that feeds their interests - how about a set of oil paints, tickets to the theater, or a book of poetry? In their leisure time, Pisces may work to alleviate their emotional stress through exercise. They especially enjoy sports that bring them into contact with their own Element of Water, such as swimming and sailing, so gifts such as sailing lessons, a new swimsuit, or a cruise would be appreciated. The theme of water is a good one in general, making gifts such as scented bath oils or floating candles appropriate. Don't forget that Pisces rules the feet so treat your Pisces to slippers, shoes, socks or even a pedicure or foot massage.
This sensitive girl would be thrilled with anything that promotes relaxation....a massage, a facial, a full night's sleep (that hasn't happened in over 3 years!), a Kindle to have all my favorite books on hand anywhere I go, and comfy yoga clothes (like the entire Athleta catalogue size small). How appropriate that Brian is getting me a new pair of slippers and I am hoping to go out for a nice sushi dinner (is that wrong to want to eat the animal that represents my sign?).
I also learned that the "starstone" (not birthstone) for Pisces is the moonstone. I have always loved moonstones and even have a very pretty moonstone necklace I got while living in Humboldt. I used to have some nice moonstone earrings that Steph gave me in college but lost one while we were out snowshoeing a few years ago. I was devastated because they were so unique.
So, Happy Birthday to Zach, Julie, Amy, Jackie, Janna, Evaleen, Katie, Allison, Janu, Tanya, Charlie and little miss Ruby. Not to mention Great Grammy Browder. And if you are also a Pisces, enjoy your birthday and let loose of your selfless nature for at least a day!
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