Sam takes every opportunity he can to play with Ben's toys. So, when Sam wakes from nap time earlier than Ben where does he go? Straight to Ben's hideout, of course! Sam is also the kid who laughs hysterically when I tell him "no" or "stop," especially when he pulls on the shades. Though he is a great little helper with the laundry :)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Casual Friday

One of the things I really love about living in Incline is the amazing support network for moms. Shortly after having Ben I joined a MOMS (Mothers Offering Mothers Support) group which puts together moms with little ones the same age, specifically little ones born between October 1st of one year and September 30th for the next year so the little ones will be with their future schoolmates. Ben's playgroup is quite large with about 20-25 kids. They are known as the Tahoe Tykes.
Just this last month the group including Sam was formed and we joined them for our first time this week at a local park for a get-together. This playgroup is very different from Ben's mainly because Sam's buddies are mostly second or third babies. As my sister, Beth, would put it they are the forgotten children since everything usually revolves around the activities of the older siblings. Honestly, we probably wouldn't have been able to attend Sam's playgroup if it had been held anywhere other than a park since it's not easy to find someone to take a rascally two year-old for an hour or two. Luckily, a couple of the moms from my original group were there with their two year-olds too so Ben had sidekicks for his time at the park.
Sam is one of the older babies in his group and got a kick out of climbing around through the woodchips and sharing his bunny crackers with his buddy, Michael (born 10 days after Sam). Soon the mommies will decide on a name for the group and keep getting together to watch the babies grow, commiserate on the lack of sleep we're all getting, and rejoice at every little accomplishment.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tahoe babies
We've spent lots of time this summer at the pool but not all that much time at the beach. I guess this is probably because it's an awful lot of work for me to lug the kids and all their gear down to the lake's edge and deal with the sun, the gravely sand, and the fact that Sam wants to put everything in his mouth. And when Brian is available to go on the weekends we really don't want to deal with the extra people who come to vacation, thus making the beaches too crowded to really enjoy.
Thank goodness for Nan (Brian's mom)! This morning we loaded up the kids and all their gear and managed to enjoy the beach for a solid hour! It was awesome playing and splashing in the chilly waters, throwing rocks, and trying to catch the dozens of tiny trout around our toes with a sand bucket and toy watering can (with no luck). Lots of my friends refer to their kids as Tahoe babies as they are unaffected by the cold temperatures of the lake water. We can now count Ben and Sam in with them. The boys had so much fun and it was nice for me to enjoy myself without worrying so much. And when we were tired of the beach off to the pool we went where Ben showed off his swim skills while Sam napped in the stroller.
What a great morning!
Thank goodness for Nan (Brian's mom)! This morning we loaded up the kids and all their gear and managed to enjoy the beach for a solid hour! It was awesome playing and splashing in the chilly waters, throwing rocks, and trying to catch the dozens of tiny trout around our toes with a sand bucket and toy watering can (with no luck). Lots of my friends refer to their kids as Tahoe babies as they are unaffected by the cold temperatures of the lake water. We can now count Ben and Sam in with them. The boys had so much fun and it was nice for me to enjoy myself without worrying so much. And when we were tired of the beach off to the pool we went where Ben showed off his swim skills while Sam napped in the stroller.
What a great morning!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sam I am
We are quickly learning that Sam works on his own terms. Mommy thinks it's time to eat...Sam clamps his mouth shut. Mommy thinks it's time for a nap...Sam just keeps on playing. Mommy tries to get Sam to play in the little pool at Great Grammy and Grandpa's...Sam screams. But then...Sam eats, Sam rests, Sam plays!!!!! All on his own terms.
Ben's Top 10
The top 10 reasons it's great to be a kid at Great Grammy and Grandpa's house...
10. Riding on the big lawn mower with Grandpa
9. Digging dirt and picking "vegebals" in the garden
8. A big lawn for running and playing
7. Playing tee ball
6. Taking walks to the playground in the big wagon.
5. Playing in the little pool
4. Playing with the hose
3. Eating snacks outside
2. Doing it all naked
1. Being absolutely worn out at the end of the day
Over the river and through the woods
Last Tuesday evening we welcomed Brian's parents after a long day traveling from Virginia. They arrived safely and on time and were immediately showered with hugs, kisses and requests to play from the boys. So much for relaxing before bed and the long drive to Modesto on Wednesday morning. The plan was for the kids and I to travel down with Dave and Sarah (known to the grandkids as Teddy and Nan) to Modesto while Brian stayed here to work and catch up on rest (easier said than done).
We were able to get on the road right around 10:00 in the morning with Nan, Sam and I in our car and Ben and Teddy in the rental (that's the problem with two kids so close in age...two carseats and no room between them in the back seat). But taking two cars had it's advantages as well. Our car was filled with the usual kid gear but with suitcases spread between two cars there was actually room for our double stroller!!!! No sore back from the Baby Bjorn or the Kelty back pack on this trip!
Ben apparently stayed awake the entire way down the mountain and talked Teddy's ear off while Sam slept until we stopped for a not-so-quick lunch at our favorite fruit stand/grocery store/burger joint called Ikedas in Auburn. And after another couple of hours in the car we arrived at Great Grammy and Grandpa's only to find that Grandpa was out running errands. Ben stood on the outside step on the patio insisting that he was going to wait for Grandpa so he could go out in the garden. Did I mention that Ben didn't sleep at all the second part of the drive either and that Sam screamed for the last 45 minutes?
After a short wait for Grandpa the fun began....
We were able to get on the road right around 10:00 in the morning with Nan, Sam and I in our car and Ben and Teddy in the rental (that's the problem with two kids so close in age...two carseats and no room between them in the back seat). But taking two cars had it's advantages as well. Our car was filled with the usual kid gear but with suitcases spread between two cars there was actually room for our double stroller!!!! No sore back from the Baby Bjorn or the Kelty back pack on this trip!
Ben apparently stayed awake the entire way down the mountain and talked Teddy's ear off while Sam slept until we stopped for a not-so-quick lunch at our favorite fruit stand/grocery store/burger joint called Ikedas in Auburn. And after another couple of hours in the car we arrived at Great Grammy and Grandpa's only to find that Grandpa was out running errands. Ben stood on the outside step on the patio insisting that he was going to wait for Grandpa so he could go out in the garden. Did I mention that Ben didn't sleep at all the second part of the drive either and that Sam screamed for the last 45 minutes?
After a short wait for Grandpa the fun began....
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Snake Charmer
Now that swim lessons are finished for the summer we are looking forward to attending the Tahoe Children's Foundation (TCF) a few days a week again. Many of you have heard me talk about TCF before but for those who are not familiar with it here it goes...TCF is a local non-profit agency in Incline Village that focuses on education for parents of infants and toddlers and is also a developmental play center for infants and toddlers. I have been a board member for almost three years now. TCF has been invaluable to our family and many others here in Tahoe. This is where I've met some of my closest friends in the area and where Ben has played with his future schoolmates since infancy. In fact, there was a group of moms including myself who were all pregnant with our second babies at the same time and have been followed by the local newspaper during and after our pregnancies.
I guess you could say that Sam has known his buddies since his days in utero. But, I digress...
One big thing that TCF has begun lately is a bilingual program. Every Monday and Wednesday the program is run in English and Spanish. This means songs and games are translated into both languages and parents and teachers use Spanish as much as possible during other play times. Many visitors to Incline aren't really aware of the large Latino population here. TCF has really wanted to reach across the socio-economic and cultural lines and help all the children in the community learn with and from each other before they reach kindergarten.
We began attending the bilingual days from the start and I was amazed at how quickly Ben began picking up on the Spanish words and phrases. He consisitently calls milk "leche", water "agua", and cheese "queso" and many more. He knows the phrases "thank you" -gracias and the all important "I'm handsome"- soy guapo (I didn't teach him this, I swear. It was the teacher of the Monday program who loves Ben and Sam so much). It seems that every time we attend Ben leaves singing a new song in Spanish or spouting out new words.
I often find myself saying, "Ben, what's ______ in Spanish?" One morning he suprised me when I asked him what he wanted for breakfast. A bagel? cereal? toast? His reply, "I want a panish muffin." What? A Spanish muffin? It took me a minute to get it...he wanted an English muffin.
I guess you could say that Sam has known his buddies since his days in utero. But, I digress...
One big thing that TCF has begun lately is a bilingual program. Every Monday and Wednesday the program is run in English and Spanish. This means songs and games are translated into both languages and parents and teachers use Spanish as much as possible during other play times. Many visitors to Incline aren't really aware of the large Latino population here. TCF has really wanted to reach across the socio-economic and cultural lines and help all the children in the community learn with and from each other before they reach kindergarten.
We began attending the bilingual days from the start and I was amazed at how quickly Ben began picking up on the Spanish words and phrases. He consisitently calls milk "leche", water "agua", and cheese "queso" and many more. He knows the phrases "thank you" -gracias and the all important "I'm handsome"- soy guapo (I didn't teach him this, I swear. It was the teacher of the Monday program who loves Ben and Sam so much). It seems that every time we attend Ben leaves singing a new song in Spanish or spouting out new words.
I often find myself saying, "Ben, what's ______ in Spanish?" One morning he suprised me when I asked him what he wanted for breakfast. A bagel? cereal? toast? His reply, "I want a panish muffin." What? A Spanish muffin? It took me a minute to get it...he wanted an English muffin.
Sam at 8 months

Sam was officially eight months old on August 8th. The day he was born he was given an official NFL football from his Uncle Pete since he was born during football season (Ben got a baseball glove and ball when he was born since it was baseball season). The football has become the object we use each month for a photo to show his growth. I know his eight month photo was taken over a week late but it's still pretty cute. You can see how much he's changed since receiving the football on December 8th.
I think we'll soon have our hands really full as Sam is getting closer and closer to standing unassisted each day and will walk soon after that. As for now, he's pretty fast crawling and can pull himself up to standing all over the house. Let's just say that nothing is out of reach these days.
Friday, August 15, 2008
It's all fun and games until....

This summer we have been taking advantage of the cool evenings to go outside as a family and run off just a little more energy before bedtime. This usually means Sam in a stroller or hiking backpack while Ben either rides his tricycle or walks. Sometimes both boys cruise in the double stroller. We walk, we ride, we climb rocks, we play Ben's version of golf/hockey, or we play frisbee. We always have a good time and the boys are always a little more ready for bed.
Last night I took the boys outside on my own as Brian had the chance to catch up with Marisa, a good friend from college, on the phone. Sam rode in the backpack as Ben rode his tricycle not once, but twice around the building. I know I was worn out at this point but Ben was ready for more. He decided frisbee was the game. He is still working on his throwing technique but can actually get the frisbee to me as long as I am not too far away. It is a little frightening when he runs full speed ahead ready to launch. After two tosses to Ben that he almost caught we were both feeling pretty confident...a little too confident. I tossed the frisbee right to his arms, it rose just a little and bonked him straight across the bridge of his nose. Poor peanut, he didn't know how to respond initially. His eyes widened, a giggle erupted, and then full blown tears and wails. What an awful mom! I scooped him up and carried him upstairs with Sam still chillin' in the backpack. Brian heard us coming before the door had even opened and quickly said goodbye to Marisa. Once I set Ben down and got Sam in the backpack off there was blood coming from Ben's right nostril. We wiped away the blood, sweat, and tears and convinced Ben that he did not need the Scooby Doo band-aids for a bloody nose. We have always told Ben when he gets bruises and scratches on his arms and legs that it means he plays hard. We will now add blood to the list.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Amazing Similarities
We've had a photo of Ben at 8 months framed in our living room since he learned to sit on his own. We couldn't help but notice the similarities between Sam at 6 months once he started sitting unassisited. It seems like Sam is about two months ahead on gross motor skills from where Ben was. We've been told this is common with second children especially since they have a bigger sibling to keep up with. Sam has been quick to learn crawling and pulling himself to standing. And Ben has been quick to learn to keep his most prized things up off the floor and away from the edges of the coffee tables.
Good reads
Almost three years ago a couple of girlfriends and I started a bookclub. Over the years we've read everything from mainstream fiction to obscure self-published novels. Our most current pick is a historical fiction novel by author Lisa See called "Snowflower and the Secret Fan." The novel takes place in 19th century China and follows two young girls from different villages who are thrust into each other's lives as "old sames". Though it seems their families are vastly different they experience similar events throughout their lives including footbinding, betrothals, weddings, and childbirth. And through it all they become friends. The story was engrossing from the start and actually led me to another book also by Lisa See called "Peony in Love." Also set in China but during the 17th century, this story delves into the lives of women in the inner chambers and the afterlife. Also a good read but not quite on par with Snowflower.
Swim Pics
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Taking a Ride
About two and a half weeks ago we left the kids with my parents for a day. Upon our return Ben informed us that he was wearing "underwears." Thus the start of potty training. At 27 months old I knew he was old enough and most likely ready as well. Perhaps I was the reluctant learner? I guess the thought of dealing with a toddler in big boy pants was a little too much for me to wrap my head around while also trying to keep up with a very curious crawling infant. But now that it's started....yippee! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!
As the second full day in underwear began Ben informed me that he was going on a ride. Unsure of what I had promised the evening before while dealing with the usual bedtime chaos I asked him where. His reply, "I'm gonna go on a potty train." Too cute. What he doesn't realize is that it truly is a "ride."
As can be expected there are a few accidents each day but we're making progress. But of course our kid can't be like all the other little kids we know who gladly put their little hands up for an M&M upon completion of the pee, undies up, wash hands routine. Our kid likes cold hard cash. At least as far as he knows pennies and pickles (nickels) are the stuff. Maybe he knows if M&M's were the reward he'd never get any because his chocoholic mom would eat them all and leave him with nothing but clean hands.
So, for now we keep the coins ready and are thrilled every time we hear, "I made pee in the potty!"
As the second full day in underwear began Ben informed me that he was going on a ride. Unsure of what I had promised the evening before while dealing with the usual bedtime chaos I asked him where. His reply, "I'm gonna go on a potty train." Too cute. What he doesn't realize is that it truly is a "ride."
As can be expected there are a few accidents each day but we're making progress. But of course our kid can't be like all the other little kids we know who gladly put their little hands up for an M&M upon completion of the pee, undies up, wash hands routine. Our kid likes cold hard cash. At least as far as he knows pennies and pickles (nickels) are the stuff. Maybe he knows if M&M's were the reward he'd never get any because his chocoholic mom would eat them all and leave him with nothing but clean hands.
So, for now we keep the coins ready and are thrilled every time we hear, "I made pee in the potty!"
Friday, August 8, 2008
Swim lessons
We spent this last week at the toddler pool at Burnt Cedar beach for Ben's last session of swim lessons. We took "Mommy and me" lessons last summer and figured this year would be the same. After two weeks of that it was clear that Ben was ready to move onward and upward to "Tiny Tunas". We are now in our second session of Tunas where Ben is learning independence in the water with an instructor and about 4 other kids. Apparently the class is designed for 3 year-olds but luckily they let Ben enter even though he's months away from his third birthday. He loves blowing bubbles and kicking his feet like mad. Several times Sam and I have been in the splash zone but luckily Sam doesn't seem to mind. On the few occasions I've taken Sam in the little pool for open swim he has loved it! I guess we have two water babies.
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Now that Ben is able to wander longer distances without having one of us carry him we have introduced him to hiking. Our first outing was to the meadows along the Mount Rose highway a couple of weeks ago. He loved wandering along the seasonal creek looking for little fish and finding big rocks to climb and jump from. And the entire time he had to have a stick in his hands for banging on stumps and the like.
Just this last weekend we took another outing to the gondola at the Northstar ski resort near Truckee. In the summer they run the gondola and chair lifts for serious mountain bikers (not us) and for hikers (definitely more our speed). It's free to hikers and a fun way to spend a few hours. Unfortunately, the visibility was pretty poor with forest fires burning in California but we enjoyed the time with my parents anyway. We plan on going again since they run through the month of October for bikers/hikers. Brian gave Ben his very own hiking pole for this hike.
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