Three years ago at 8:11 on a Friday morning, Brian and I welcomed Benjamin David Browder into the world after 4 hours and 21 minutes of labor. Ben weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and emerged with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck three times. After some work from the respiratory therapist to get his lungs and airways cleaned up he then met more of his family...Grandma Norma and Grandpa Bob, Auntie Beth, Uncle Pete, Kayla, and Auntie Steph. All of them were there within a couple hours of his birth. Later in the day Auntie Pauline, Uncle Howie, and Olivia arrived to meet Ben as well. And within a couple more days Great Aunt Janet and Uncle Roger came to visit too.
Three years later Ben is an amazing little man who is interested in music, art, building, and all other kid-type things. He is also a wonderful big brother and friend to Sam.
Just a couple hours after waking up this morning we have already opened some gifts, made birthday blueberry muffins for breakfast, and watched his favorite kid shows on PBS.
Here's to a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday to Ben!!! We remember our rush to Truckee three years ago. It was an exciting day.
We wanted to call this morning, but figured 6:30 was a little too early for birthday wishes. We will talk to you later today.
Auntie Beth, Uncle Pete, and Kayla
Happy Birthday Ben!
Now the question is... will this blog still be around when Ben is older and wants to relive his childhood?
Happy birthday, Ben!
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