Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy 100th Post!

I posted my first blog entry several months ago on July 24, 2008 and here I am today, one hundred posts later. I was uncertain initially how much writing and uploading pictures and keeping everyone up-to-date with the Tahoe Browders would feel like just another chore. I can now officially say that blogging has been a great experience for me. Though our news is not always very interesting it has still been fun sharing the humor of parenthood and the ever-evolving personalities of the boys.

So, faithful readers, thank you for checking in on us and I promise I will get our spring break story and photos up ASAP!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Maggie! It's been great to be able to keep up with you and your family. That's the wonderful thing about these blogs...being able to keep in touch with family, however far-flung we may be. I look forward to continuing to follow your adventures!

Hugs to all,


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear about what you did for spring break:)