Saturday, September 27, 2008

Night Owls & Early Birds

It seems that Sam is finally getting the hang of going to sleep on his own. Usually it takes a few minutes of fussing (sometimes up to 20 minutes) but in the end he snoozes fairly well. Okay, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself....if he's not in pain from the 2 new teeth trying to come in, he is doing well. Poor peanut.
The other night after a short fuss fest all seemed peaceful. Brian and I went about our usual evening chores in the living room and kitchen and went upstairs to retire to the den across the hall from the boys' room. As I walked past the kids' door I heard an unfamiliar noise. At first I was worried that our creaky stairs had woken one of the boys. As I pressed my ear to the door I heard a small snuffle and turned out to be Sam snoring. That same night I awoke to a voice coming from the boys' room. This is not uncommon as Ben often calls for me in the night if he is unable to find his pacifier (yep, I know, the kid is almost 2 1/2...we're trying to get rid of the darn thing) or wakes up after a dream.
But the voice I heard this night was different. It was conversational. Who was in our house? How did they get in? My heart raced as I waited to hear it again. Then there it was, "I don't want Sam to play with it." After a huge sigh of relief that it was only Ben I had to smile. The poor kid not only talks in his sleep but even then is trying to keep his stuff from his little brother's curious hands.
Now that I know what noises belong to each kid I am sleeping better. That is, when I'm not snoring or talking in my sleep (according to Brian). I can only defend myself by saying everyone snores when they have a stuffy nose and you really can't say I talk in my sleep until you've heard my sister.
After a "good" night's sleep I try as hard as I can to stay in bed as long as possible. I wonder how a girl who is not and has never been much of a morning person ended up with two early bird kids. Oh wait, it's genetic, their dad is an early bird too! Brian is often out riding his bike early in the morning or being productive in some other manner. Not me. I will stay in bed until I absolutely have to get up. Lately that means ignoring the conversation between Ben and Sam in their room with Sam in the crib and Ben sitting in his bed (still not quite sure why he won't get out without permission but it's working for us). Yesterday morning the conversation went something like this (once I was awake enough to pay attention anyway):
Sam: "Dadadadada...nanananana!"
Ben: "Sam, look over here! Sam look at me!"
Sam: "Aaaaaaaaaaaa!"
Ben: "No yelling, Sam. Look at me."
Sam: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
Ben: "No no no no no no no no!"
This is about the time I went in wondering why Ben was saying "no" repeatedly. Sam was standing up in the crib with his little hands wrapped around the side rail with a big grin on his face (nothing looked suspicious enough to warrant the No's) and Ben was sitting on his bed just watching Sam. They were both happy and ready to start the day. Give me strength.

1 comment:

Maggie Browder said...

Here's what's really funny about this post....I wrote it after everyone in the house was asleep. When I finally went to bed I was wiped out but had trouble getting to sleep because Brian was SNORING!!!! :) Too funny. He also grinds his teeth....thus the need for the nightguard.