Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Snow fun

The boys seem to enjoy the snow....at least for a little while. Sam was quick to fuss because I forgot to pull his little snowsuit feet over his boots so he had snow packed around his ankles. Ben especially loves his kid-sized snow shovel we found at our local hardware store. We love that he enjoys shoveling the snow...let's just hope that enjoyment lasts into his teen years!

1 comment:

Stacia said...

Hi - just thought I'd pop in to see how everyone is doing over there...cute pictures! I love seeing Ben and Sam in the snow...brings back memories :)

I know it's awful being without a home...or in a house that isn't home anymore! When G and I were selling ours...we had to live in it while it was staged for selling...just not the same! HOpe you guys get settled soon.
