Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bittersweet Memories

Though the circumstances of our trip to Modesto were sad, the time we got with the Browder and Farschon families was wonderful. The boys were so happy to see Great Grandpa, Teddy, Uncle Roger and Aunt Janet, Uncle Chris, and cousins Kate and Megan. And Ben was smitten with Tucker, Megan's black lab puppy. The boys and dog chased each other around the yard with Tucker often nipping at the boys' backsides (obviously he's becoming a cow herding dog living on the ranch in Chowchillla). When the boys played in the little wading pool with the hose spraying, Tucker was leery to get too close and get drenched. The park also ended up being the hot spot for boys and dog alike. The boys rode in Grandpa's gardening wagon as one of the uncles or Teddy pulled them along. The multiple trips to the park also meant nice breaks for Mommy to catch up on reading and relaxing. The weather was quite a bit cooler than the typical June weather in Modesto so being outside was bearable and even chilly at times.

Four generations of Browder men....only little Harry is missing.

Teddy, Ben, Daddy and Sam

The boys all ready for another trip to the park.

Crooked hat.

Megan and Tucker enjoying the grassy areas of the park.


Off to the play structure.

Sam getting some assistance from Teddy.

What a cutie!

A little red recliner R&R.

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